You Are Either With Us Or Against Us

Thursday, April 13, 2006

My Response to Senator Frist

Senator Frist -

Thank you for responding to my email.

However - I believe I need to dis-abuse you of a few erroneous notions.

1. You state in your email that: "Today there are 10 to 12 million undocumented aliens living in the United States..."

You should know as well as I, that those numbers are more likely closer to 20-30 million.

2. You stated that: "our country needs security at our borders in order to slow the flow of illegal immigration..."

Wrong - Our country needs security at our borders to STOP the FLOW of ILLEGAL ALIENS . Your terminology is also wrong. They are illegal "aliens" and not "immigrants".

3. You stated that: " A majority of the people who enter America illegally, after all, come here to work"

That's the point - they are here "illegally" --- to "work".
Where is the part where they "come here to be Americans" ??
See - that is the difference between an "Immigrant" and an "Alien".

4. You stated: "the full Senate will need to address ways we can balance security interests with our economy's labor needs"

You do not balance "Security Needs" with "Labor Needs".
Remember 9/11 ?? You are asking for more of the same.

5. You stated: "Let me be clear, I do not support amnesty..."

Let me be clear - The Majority of LEGAL American Taxpayers - DO NOT Support Amnesty. Amnesty DOES NOT Work.

6. You stated: "...but I do understand the labor challenges facing our nation..."

What ??
You think we don't understand or are incabale of understanding the "Labor Challenges" facing our nation ?

We have a shortage of unskilled labor ??
Here's a clue or two for you and your buddies on the Hill --

Stop Welfare Services for illegal aliens
Quit allowing companies to hire illegals aliens
Deport the illegal aliens - most will want want to leave by then anyway.

What ?? Now we really do have a shortage of Unskilled Labor ??

DO NOT Allow Welfare Recipients to vote. They are "Wards of the State".
Now STOP Welfare for the lazy bums who just dont want to get off the couch.

Still have a worker shortage ?
I guess some businesses will be paying some folks some overtime.

Still Want Immigrants ?

Fine - ONLY Allow a "skilled, educated labor force" to enter the USA for the sole purpose of "Immigration and Naturalization" into an American Citizen. And only enough immigrants to keep the US population growth from decreasing.


The Latino protesters showed their true colors on their first march.
Do not allow yourself or your fellow Senators to be deceived by the American flag waving from the second March.

We know that Latino Organizations like "La Raza, Aztlan, and Mechistas, as well as
several communist front groups and the Mexican Consulates here in the states were
behind these organized protests.

Make no mistake - not one of these organizations are concerned about the welfare of the USA. Most of the Illegal Aliens from South of the border do not care about becoming a US Citizen. The protesters we saw are like many in the world today -- they hate us -- but they love our money.

Right now - we have apporimately 12-30 million illegal aliens in our nation that have no allegience to the United States .

What happens if we get into a war with Mexico ?? Could we fight Mexico and still watch our backs ??

So much for "Balancing Security Needs with Labor Needs".

The Republicans and the Democrats had better grow some cohones and deal with the problem you have spent the last forty years creating. You are allowing our nation to be stolen right out from under our very noses.

I will leave you with the following:

April 17, 2006

- There Will Be -

A Day Without Americans



"TOMORROW WE ... !!"

Do Not Take Us Lightly - You serve at Our pleasure.

Pleae Tell your friends on Capitol Hill. We all want what is best for America.
But sometimes medicine needs to be taken without a spoonful of sugar.

Americans are tougher and smarter than the MSM and you politicians believe.
TAKE The Lead on this issue and make the hard choices.
ALLOW The American Citizens the dignity of voting for Leaders worthy of the American People.

Forget the MSM - they will never be on the side of America.
Forget the UN - they hate America.
Forget our enemies - they will hate America no matter what we do.
Forget our allies - they will only pretend to like America when it suits their purposes.
Forget the Lobbyists - they serve only their own interests - for good or ill.

FRAME the debate
Yank the race card out from under the LEFTs feet

TRUST - The American Citizens
IF the situation is dire -- tell them.
DO NOT trivialize the problem.

Thank You.
And God Bless

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