You Are Either With Us Or Against Us

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Letter to President Bush, The Senate and Congress

RE: The debate over Illegal Aliens.

First and foremost - the only "Immigration Reform" should
be reforming a government that ignores it's duty to uphold
the current laws against "illegal Aliens".

Just to be clear - I am not a racist. My wife is Hispanic.
To further clarify - I am an Outraged American Taxpayer.

Understand this Mr President, Senators and Congresspersons -

You have the obligation to honor your oath of office and
uphold the laws of this nation. To do otherwise makes you a
criminal - and possibly a traitor.

This is punishable under:
1907 Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) Offenses -
Which you can find here:

IF you CANNOT or DO NOT want to do your job -

- Then you should resign NOW.

You have seen the protesters waving the Mexican flag and
defaming Our Nation and Our Flag. These "illegal Aliens"
have no love for America, no desire to be a true "American
Citizen". The only reason they want the title of "American
Citizen" is for the benefits that would accrue to them and
their families still south of the border. Which is a fine thing
to want. However, with the title "American Citizen" come
certain obligations and loyalties that these folks obviously
do not want nor seem to understand.

Just Say No - to Amnesty.

To simplify this issue for you - I will walk you thru -

Your Job - Step-by-Step

First - Seal our Southern Border.

Second - Enforce the laws that are currently on the books
regarding illegal aliens.

Third - Crack down on companies that hire illegal aliens.

Fourth - Crack Down on Forgers. Forging Govt documents
is illegal.

- Quit talking about "Amnesty" and Guest Worker".
You are encouraging more illegal aliens by talking about it.
There should be no "amnesty" and no "guest worker
program". Which is just "amnesty" by another name,
plain and simple.

History has shown that
- Amnesty does not work.

Sixth - Immediately stop forcing LEGAL American
Taxpayers to fund social services for ILLEGAL Aliens.
We should provide ONLY Emergency Health care.
You and they are stealing from US - the LEGAL US

Seven - No citizenship for children born to illegal aliens.
I direct your attention to the Fourteenth Ammendment.
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United
States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof...
Which they - being Non-US Citizens - ARE NOT subject
to the jurisdiction thereof -
and therefore cannot
produce a child that is a legal U.S. citizen.
You all should know this.

Eight - You were Elected by American Taxpayers to
Represent the American People, Not ILLEGAL Aliens,
and not Businesses that break the law.

Whether you have the Honor or the inclination to do
the right thing for the Nation and People you swore to
serve - remains to be seen.

On April 17, 2006 - There Will Be -

A Day Without Americans

This is Our response to the "Day without Latinos".
Visible signs of protest or outrage accross america may not
be as large as the Latino marches. But remember this - for
everyone of us you see out there - there are at least four
or five unseen that were afraid to leave their job for fear of
being fired.

Please REMEMBER that we have mortgages to pay, as
well as Your Fat Paychecks, Fat Pensions and
Great 100% Free (for you) Lifetime Healthcare Benefits.

We are out here and we are outraged at the lack of courage
both houses and both parties have revealed in the face of
the massive protest marches of "ILLEGAL ALIENS".

We are 298 million LEGAL Citizens strong -
minus a few million traitors.

I remember my oath when I joined the Air Force in 1977:

"...I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

The oath I swore then, at 17 did not end with my military
service. No, the oath I swore still resides in my heart to
this very day. Should my country have need for me to leave
behind my wife, my kids, my home and my job; so be it.

Remember - the pledge of our Founding Fathers:

"...we mutually pledge to each other
our lives,
our fortunes
and our sacred honor."

[Declaration of Independence]

Can we do any less than those ordinary Citizen Soldier
Statesmen ? We, who have received the bounty of our
great nation thru the sacrifice of the blood of Heroes
Past and Present ?

We dishonor their sacrifice. We shame ourselves.

Our Liberty was bought with a price. Blood has been shed.
Honor demands no less from each of us.

I hope you will endeavor to remain at the forefront of this
issue and help to turn back the tide of this invasion of our

When an uninvited guest comes into your house and refuses
to leave and threatens violence if you try to force him to
leave - that indeed - is an invasion.

On April 17th, 2006
A Day Without Americans




Do Not Take Us Lightly - You serve at Our pleasure.


jacob.thrasher said...

Good stuff. I'm still not entirely sure of what I believe about immigration, but I know this much: If illegal immigration is, well, illegal, then shouldn't it be treated as such?

Jonni IInferno said...

Yes -It should be.

But you see - it's not PC to do so.

I also believe there is a law on the books
that says it is against the law to encourage or promote illegal activity...

I have been trying to find it on the US Dept of Justice website

be kool neo
Jonni Blaze