You Are Either With Us Or Against Us

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Letter to Dr. Pianka - aka - DR DOOM

Dr. Pianka -

I have recently read about your wonderful plan to rid our planet of 4/5 of the human population. Quite an admirable and far-reaching goal - if your heroes are murdering scum like Colonel Pol Pot, Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Okay - so now you know what I think about You and Your -

Quite frankly, I am unable to fathom how you, a "Distinguished Eco-Scientist", could even vocalize use of a "man-made" airborne Ebola Virus to kill off most of the human population. Much less, how you could stand on a platform and give a speech to other scientists advocating the same.

Please tell us Dr Pianka, how many years of "Cannabis Enhanced Meditation" does it take to develop a plan such as your "Plan 9" ?

Could you please help us all to understand, how such a well
educated person could concieve of such a reprehensible and
ecological disaster as your "Plan 9" ?!?!

For the sake of argument, let's say that you are right, and we need to quickly kill off 4/5 of the human population. I worry about the "ecological ramifications" your diabolical "Plan 9" may have on the environment. Which, it seems, you may have failed to consider.

So here are my well considered thoughts about "Plan 9".

Would you agree with me that one of the primary goals of an ecologist - is to keep "native" flora, fauna, etc... living in their natural state and natural habitat ??

If that is true, then please explain how you could advocate spreading something so devastatingly nasty to the all the rest of the world. Something that currently only resides naturally in certain small rural localities of Africa ?

The Ebola Virus is not a natural airborne contagion.

Help us all to understand how an ecologist could advocate "tampering" with and modifying this wonderful little Ebola critter into something so "disgustingly unnatural" ?

Isn't your "Plan 9" diametrically opposed to the highest of ecological ideals ??

Or is it okay to change a "natural" thing into something "unnatural" - so long as your lofty goals are met ?
( i.e. - "the ends, justify the means)

At the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science held at Lamar University in Beaumont this past March 2006; it is reported that you stated the following:

"AIDS is not an efficient killer, he explained, because it is too slow"

Okay, so AIDS is not efficient enough for you - it's too slow.
Somehow - you managed to leave out extremely painful, de-humanizing, etc...

It has been reported that you favor using Airborne Ebola:

"because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years"

Why do you advocate having people suffer excruciating pain for days instead of using something that would end their miserable, useless lives and their excruciating pain in just a matter of a few minutes ?

What ??
Are you trying to punish these 5-billion people - as well as kill them ?

Did these 5-billion useless, miserable souls do something to hurt you ??

Well then, if you are not out to punish these poor folks and you are just looking for the most "efficient" means to kill them...

Why not advocate the use of Nerve Agents ?

Nerve Agents kill in just mere minutes instead of years or days. Also, nerve agents can be made to break down into harmless elements in just a matter of a few hours or days.

I sincerely advise you to immediately scrap your "Plan 9" and adopt this more "Eco-Friendly Plan 10".

AND - If you are truly serious about protecting the planetary environment from "Walking Human Garbage" then you will want and urgently need to garner "large grassroots support" for your new "Eco-Friendly Plan 10".

If YOU, Your Fellow Scientists, "Ecologists" and the many "Psycho-phants" that agree with you - will VOLUNTEER to be THE FIRST of the "Walking Human Garbage" to be euthanized under your new "Eco-Friendly Plan 10" -

Then I can sincerely guarantee that myself and ALL my old friends and ALL my new friends (at least 5-billion souls strong) will support your new "Eco-Friendly Plan 10" - for as long as you and your buddies continue to kick and twitch.

Thank you so much for Volunteering to Save Our Beloved Planet.

Zombie-Dissident Soldier
Jonni Blaze

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