You Are Either With Us Or Against Us

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Birth of the Zombie Dissident Soldiers

One day this past November I read a story that just totally
chapped my a**.

See it here:

Okay - Enough is Enough - That's it - I've had it.
If there was a story about this in the MSM - I missed it.
They must have ran it once - and glossed over it.
Well - I decided right then and there that I was going to start a blog.
No more sitting on my chapped a** "just thinking about it".

But - of course - I needed a name for my blog.
Hmmm.... Something - something - dot com.
I wasn't having much luck with names.
I really was in a quandary.
No, I'm sorry - make that a, uh - " a quagmire".
Yep - that's it - I was stuck in a "a quagmire".

Alas - ALL Hope Was Lost....

But thank the Libs - they managed to just
kinda throw me a bone, so to speak, :P

So - if you are curious to know just what that bone was - go here:

Okay - so now - if you watched the clip with the woman aiming a
shotgun - then you should have heard her say this at the end of the clip:

Jane: Loading shotgun...
"The point is we are not giving up.
And - we are definitely not giving up to a bunch of
Crippled" (BANG)
"Stinking" (BANG)
"Maggot-Infested - Brain-Dead

LOL - And there was the name for this blog...

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