You Are Either With Us Or Against Us

Friday, April 21, 2006

Aztlan and Palestine by Arno Weinstein

Originally published here:

But the "good folks of AZTLAN" like to keep a copy for themselves here:

Aztlan and Palestine
by Arno Weinstein

September 4, 2003

What is considered a wholly ridiculous position of the lunatic-left
in the political environment of the United States is a completely viable
position when it comes to the Middle East. The claim that Mexican-Americans
are entitled to their own country in the southwesternUnited States is
dismissed by the overwhelming majority of Americans with the disdain
that can only be mustered by the confident. Yet the very same sort of
claim made by a group of Arabs toward the State of Israel is taken so
seriously that it is on the primary agenda of the President of the United

What - you say - the Palestinians have a justifiable position and besides,
who ever heard of any group claiming land in the United States? Well,
wrong on both counts. The Arab attempt at a land grab from the Jewish
State is just that, and while most are unaware, an unseen growing number
of disillusioned immigrants (first, second and third generation) support
the creation of Aztlan. That’s right, Aztlan, a nation of the Chicanos to be
forged from the American states of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado,
Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Who are these fanatics who struggle for the creation of the Aztlan nation?
They are some of the most virulent racist and mind-boggling Jew-haters
in the United States today. They, along with the seekers of a Palestinian
state, are among the greatest promulgators of lies, myths, fantasies and
outright hate throughout the world. From blatant racist beliefs to the
denigration of all things Jewish, these groups thrive on imaginary demons
manufactured in the degenerate minds of haters throughout history.

As a byproduct of the contested gubernatorial race in California, the
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan or MEChA has come to the
attention of many. Democrat challenger for governor, and current
lieutenant governor, Cruz Bustamante was an active member of MEChA
in the 1970s and has, according to press reports (and web sites associated
with MEChA), refused to denounce the goals and purposes of the
organization. In fact, Mr. Bustamante considers MEChA a fine association
for the development of young leadership.

MEChA claims to be a “national student organization that promotes
education and defends the rights of Chicanos/Mexicans and Central and
South Americans.” That may be true enough, but the rest of the story is
far more significant. MEChA’s stated goal is the “liberation” of Aztlan, a
territorial region encompassing all of the southwestern U.S. The group
seeks to create, through what appears to be any means necessary, a
new nation either confederated with Mexico or completely under Mexican
authority. The occupying force now destroying the Chicano “culture” is
everything and everyone not associated with the liberation of Aztlan.
The racism expressed in their platform is staggering. The sort of 1960s
rhetoric of the “underclass” is merged with a Nazi-like ideology that leaves
the uninitiated reader reeling.

Like most third-world liberation movements, MEChA aligns itself with other
“struggling” peoples, most notably, “the Palestinians.” And this identification
is given a provocative and malevolent voice through a prominent link on
MEChA chapter web sites, i.e., the racist, hate-filled site of newspaper La
Voz de Aztlan or The Voice of Aztlan. As the putrid depravity pours forth
from this web site, Cruz Bustamante and the Democrats that support him
refuse to reject the hate-mongering of MEChA and its fellow travelers.

La Voz de Aztlan begins with the Jew-hatred parroted from Arab sources
and concludes with the basest lies scraped together from Nazi and White
Supremacist voices of hate. While supporting the candidacy of Cruz
Bustamante, “La Raza,” that is, “The (Chicano) Race,” accuses the Jews of
creating the “manjewrian candidate” of Gray Davis. The assertion is:
California Governor Gray Davis is a brainwashed automaton fashioned by
the Jews to do their bidding. Further examination of their propaganda
reveals a fully developed ideology of rejectionism and Jew-baiting matched
only by the PLO.

In an article entitled, “The ‘Kosher Nostra Scam’ on the American
Consumer,” Ernesto Cienfuegos asserts that there is the illegal Jewish
“Kosher Tax” that the rest of America is forced to pay to fill the coffers of
“the rabbis.” These rabbis then pour their money into the “Ariel Sharon
Zionist government of Israel” to produce anti-Palestinian propaganda. As a
service to the America public, La Voz de Aztlan claims to expose the
treachery of the Jews as they soak the average consumer with a “Jewish
Tax amounting to hundreds of million of dollars per year.” According to
Cienfuegos,“[t]he scam is to coerce the companies to pay up or suffer the
consequences of a Jewish boycott.” The voluntary kosher certification
program serviced by many Jewish organizations is, at various points in the
“expos?” called a “payola operation,” a “protection racket” and a“swindle.”
La Voz de Aztlan does not neglect to include the old canard that “the food
companies succumb to the blackmail because of fear of the Jewish
dominated media and a boycott that may eventually culminate in

Were this written filth not part of a brewing political storm, and if it did not
match in tone, content and sentiment with those striving for Palestine, it
would be too ridiculous to cite. That anyone other than the brainwashed or
delusional would contend that these gross invectives are true is absurd, yet
few are willing to recognize the identical voice coming from the supporters
of a Palestinian state.

The most perverse, yet honest, theme throughout the pages of La Voz de
Aztlan is the link between “La Raza” and the “Palestinians.” In fact, the
goals of the Aztlan separatist movement and the aspirations of the
Palestinian Authority are remarkably similar. While the likeness of kind is
easily recognized by the Aztlan liberation advocates, Americans favoring a
Palestinian political entity would be shocked at the identical use of imagery
and language that strips bare the Aztlan/Palestinian hatred of the Jews. The
Aztlan voice eerily mimics the positions and topics put forward by the
Palestinian Authority. An editorial written in La Voz de Aztlan relates the
plight of the Palestinians and the Chicanos as one and the same. With
language borrowed from Arab supporters of a Palestinian state, the
editorial asserts that the Jews have replaced the Nazis and have committed
even greater crimes than the Nazis against their enemy.

Asking the question of why the Jewish people have been expelled from so
many countries throughout history, La Voz de Aztlan blames the victim for
their wretched plight. In fact, the newspaper goes to the trouble of listing all
the countries forcibly removing the Jews and the dates of the expulsions.
This recitation is an attempt to demonstrate the universal opinion that the
Jews are the source of all things bad in the world. The claim, much like that
made by the Arab Jew-haters, that La Voz de Aztl?n is opposed to Zionism
and not to Jews is completely and utterly made false by the “kosher tax”
attack and the blaming of Jews for their own historical expulsions, and the
posting and reprinting of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. In an
“Editor’s Note” introducing the full repetition of the Protocols, La Voz de
Aztlan asks the reader to judge for himself whether or not the anti-Semitic
screed rings true.

Time and time again the baseless claims of the Arabs to the land of Israel
are matched with the baseless claims of the Chicanos to Aztlan. Continuing
on this theme is the attack upon the relationship between the United States
and Israel. Because the United States supports the existence of the State of
Israel, the horrendous terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were to be
expected. Most Americans will be disturbed by the pervasive attitude that
either the United States deserved what it got on 9-11 or that somehow the
Jews orchestrated the events and this, too, was America’s fault.

In an article entitled, “Osama bin Laden: The ‘Pancho Villa’ of Islam”,
Ernesto Cienfuegos best exemplifies the troubling arguments from the
Aztlan/Palestinian perspective. Cienfuegos properly captures the heroic
nature of bin Laden for Arab circles in comparing him to Pancho Villa and
the admiration of the latter desperado among the Chicano population. By
suggesting a folklorish aura surrounding both bin Laden and Villa, the
author makes clear the worship of the criminal rogue that so typifies the
rejection of civilization held by the Aztlan/Palestinian worldview.

Should logical, rational thought prevail, the Aztlan/Palestinian concept of
historical revisionism would be completely defeated. Cruz Bustamante fears
the consequences of repudiating the anti-Zionism of his past associations,
while others who have hitched their wagon to a“Palestinian peoplehood”
tremble at jettisoning their greatest weapon against the Jews. Both must
overcome the phantoms in their closets and allow the light of day to
cleanse their otherwise dark existence.

“Google” Aztlan and Palestine and see for yourself the threat both hold to
the civilized world. The reasonable among us will gratefully embrace the
fact that there is no Aztlan and, indeed, there is no Palestine.

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