You Are Either With Us Or Against Us

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Fax to Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Dear Governor Perry,

I am furious with your recent comments in Mexico City!
Your comments in Mexico city really concern me.
How can you say that Congress needs to legalize illegal
aliens? You recently chided the European Union for
becoming embroiled in our state's business. But yet,
you think it is all right for those who are in our state
and in our country illegally to stay? I find this stance
completely incomprehensible.

Americans desire attrition through enforcement.
It is clear that if immigration laws are enforced and
workplace verification is made mandatory, illegal
aliens will self deport and eventually the flow of illegal
aliens into our nation will turn into a trickle, and
eventually end.

Alas, you have consistently chosen to ignore the wishes
and opinions of those who have voted for you and have
chosen to court foreign governments and protect illegal

I doubt the voters will be as generous to you as you are
to criminals.

An American for sovereignty,
Jonni Blaze

I can't believe you are an American -
much less a Texan. You are friggin nuts !!
Our Senate and Congress should End All amnesty for
illegal immigrants. End All Forms of monetary support
for illegal immigrants. These are American tax dollars
that are being wasted on people who are not even
supposed to be here.

Why have you and our federal government consistently
avoided doing your job ?? Why is our Southern Border
still open and unprotected ?? Why have you people time
and again shown your ineptitude toward protecting
American Sovereignty. Why do you consistently fail to
represent the American taxpayer ?

All of you had best get your arses in gear and do your
damn jobs representing The American People -
The American Taxpayer.

Make no mistake - the President - The Congress and
your asinine insistence on amnesty for illegals had
better stop.

From now on the only thing I want to hear from you
about illegal immigrants is - how many millions of illegals
are returning home never to come back.

Capiche ?

Oh - and if you cant do that - then the next time you
go to mexico - do not bother to come back.
I am sure we would be better off without you.

And to think - I voted for you and bush.
What a couple of crack-heads you two
have turned out to be.

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